About Us

We proudly admit that we love our gear! Center of our lives are our families, and we also work hard, so we will not pretend to spend every day on mountain tops chasing trophies, but we do still manage to fill our freezers with venison on a regular basis. We are lucky to live in the Austrian countryside and to have some of the most beautiful areas of this country as our backyard. This allows us to enjoy the outdoors every day.

Our primary motivation to start GearFex was the goal to make First Lite apparel available to fellow hunters and outdoor enthusiasts in Europe. We have over 15 years of work experience in the global hunting and outdoor industry. We have been friends with the First Lite founders and their great crew for a long time. You could say GearFex is the natural child of such circumstances.

GearFex’ core line is First Lite, but we keep searching for additional brands and products that could be of interest for you and are proud, to have already been adding great brands like FHF Gear, ARGALI or AZIAK Equipment to our assortment. Whether it will be a one-time transaction or a long lasting dialogue with you, we are here for you and will provide you with a top notch service and customer experience. We appreciate and welcome your feedback!